Additional Family Law Services
Our Other Areas of Family Law
If you are facing a crisis at home or a legal issue involving your relatives, Anitra R. Price, P.C. can help. With over 15 years of experience practicing law, Anitra R Price has the knowledge, dedication, and compassion to work with you through all matters of family law. Schedule a FREE initial phone consultation by calling our locally-owned practice at (770) 461-0023.
Final judgments of divorce, custody and child support can be modified based upon the occurrence of a change in circumstances. This may include financial circumstances that would warrant changing child support and alimony obligations. Issues concerning visitation can also occur, which would warrant the changing or modifying of custody or visitation with children.
Family Violence and Stalking
We provide defense and prosecution for 6-month, 12-month, and permanent protection and anti-stalking orders. Court appearances in family violence cases are required after an ex parte temporary order of protection has been legally issued.
Legitimation and Custody
This area of family law involves cases in which a couple that has never been married has a child. The father has no rights until the child is declared to be his legitimate child by a court order. Therefore, the father has no rights to custody or visitation with the child until he obtains an order of legitimation.
This does not prevent the father from being obligated to pay child support for the child. Therefore, it is imperative that a father obtain his rights to custody and visitation with his child.
Grandparent's Rights
Anitra R. Price, P.C. can help you defend and seek grandparent's rights. Grandparents can seek custody and/or visitation rights in situations where cases concerning custody of the grandchildren are presently pending. A grandparent’s chances are also increased when issues concerning the safety and welfare of the grandchildren are at stake.
A grandparent can file a petition for grandparent’s rights in order to assert that the grandparent’s claim that the grandchild’s best interest is protected through the grandparent having custody or visitation with the grandchild/children.
Name Changes
We also represent clients who wish to change their legal names. This process involves filing the appropriate petition with a Superior Court in the State of Georgia and causing legal notice to be published in the appropriate newspaper in the county of the client’s current residence.
Upon the completion of the publication period, both client and counsel will appear in court and explain to the judge the reason for granting the name change. Anitra R. Price, P.C. is familiar with all rules and regulations involving Georgia's laws as a member of the Fayette County Bar.